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Photo by Julius Adorsu

Photo: Julius Adorsu

Hello fellow drift nerds, noobs, old heads, know-it-alls, and tech wizards alike. 

Welcome to the Drift Club, where our mission is to rejuvenate the drift community with new content, builds, knowledge, and technology.

Things have come a long way since that guy in 2007 (with the now defunct PhotoBucket account) had the same problem as you. Your friends here, though, may be able to help.


For the community, not for profit.

We've seen other forums, blogs, and media outlets sell their souls at the cost of the community and user experience. That won't be the case here. Everything you put in goes towards building a brighter future for drifting. Don't think we're stopping at just a forum and blog - this is only the beginning.

Photo: Kuro Doka

Yes, it costs money.

Everything costs money. It sucks, but hopefully this site won't. Your contribution will ensure that this site will stay live for you and the next generation to enjoy for years to come.

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Not required, but definitely appreciated <3



The latest ramblings

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