Hey y'all just posting something that I recently started working. I haven't found a wing I love for the Miata, but plenty for other chassis's. Figured I have a 3D printer, so might as well make one! Still in the early stages, but end goal is to either create a plug to make a fiberglass wing or seal the print and paint it! First pic, is the first profile I came up with, more of a drag inspired wing.

The next 2 pics are for a second profile I'm working on. More of a large element you'd see for a 240, FC, AE86, etc.

I like the bottom wangan-style one. Would look rad with some simple aero and 13's 😎
Currently working on some 3d printed aero mods of my own too. Just playing with different sideskirt extension profiles at the moment.
cool project. i messed with 3d printed aero a few years back. i would say on a piece like this it might be difficult to mount if its 3d printed because of the weight. i ended up 3d printing moulds and then using them to make a fiberglass part. very time consuming but the result was decent. in your case i think this would be the best option but designing the moulds for something like this would be tricky. i still have the story highlights on my instagram if you want to have a look.
Very very cool!! I was able to successfully 3d print some side mirrors last year. I highly recommend photoscanning or laser scanning your trunk to ensure that the fitment will be as tight as possible.
A little update. I think I am going to try and clean up the wangan-style wing into my build, but with a few changes, mostly with cleaning up the end sections. That's all for now. Might be a bit before an update as I have finals this week and need to finish those.
Okay Update Y'all. Got the version I'm going to do mostly cleaned up how I want it. Just needs a few more touches and it will be good to start printing. (sorry for the low res).
I actually have done this successfully and completed it with fiberglass. Will make a thread to show the whole process
Hey guys just a little update. I have been buys with life and school but am pushing because I would like to get my car painted before the end of March. Just started filling in the wing and doing the surface prep. It isn't perfect, but I don't want to spend more money filament to reprint sections. I need to cut some sections of the trunk away to get to a good spot to mount it, but that is a future endevour.