I did this for function purposes to clear my swaps intake tube and radiator hose, but it turned out being pretty visually pleasing too. The end of the post shows completed photos.
Below are some photos and a short description of steps I took along the way of modifying the lower bracket so I could tuck the headlight motors.
First off, I know it looks like a caveman did this. I used pliers to bend the bracket as needed with little concern of making it look OEM. This was a "proof of concept" as I have spare brackets I can mod later, but to be honest I'll probably just throw some paint on these and call it good.
BEFORE YOU ATTEMPT THIS - it goes without saying that if you aren't confident in your ability to not fuck something up, have someone else who is help you. Read this post in full, think through the steps needed, and inspect your car before you dive in... I don't want anyone thinking I'm responsible for them messing up their car. Anyway... onto the "tutorial".
This is how the RH headlight assembly and motor looks from the factory. Note I screwed the bracket to my bench so I could set the motor orientation, make sure the mechanism and rod worked without binding, and to make sure I cleared the bench (body):

The goal was to use a LH motor on the RH headlight (and the other way around) to have something like this:

I used the existing front welded nut and pivoted the motor as needed to locate everything. Note this shows the bracket bent already, but I wanted to highlight that the rear mounting location will need to be drilled. I did not use a third bolt in the top mounting location. It floats on the LH side assembly and I wound up cutting it off on my RH assembly to make more room for the radiator hose:

Some photos showing the areas bent with pliers, drilling the new rear mount hole, and attaching a nut to the bolt. You basically straighten a few return flanges and you're good. You might need to grind one of the three mounting bosses a bit:
With the mods done, this is how it sat in the "jig". Notice you want to make sure thereis space between the motor knob (red) and the bench before you drill the new hole. Find something laying around in your garage to use as a shim:

Using a flapper disc, I cleaned up the bent edge. I would recommend test fitting the modified assembly before painting the bracket as you might find that you need to make some adjustments:

And some completed photos showing how everything sits when finished:

And finally a video showing them working post modification:
Overall this is an easy mod anyone can do with basic tools, it's just a lot of removing and reinstalling to make sure it all works.
Pop ups are annoying to get adjusted, but you'll get good at it after this, haha. Also it obviously helps to have extra bay items out of the way such as the coolant overflow, cruise control, and charcoal canister. But, if you're considering this mod I'm assuming those are likely already gone.
Make sure the coolant overflow clears the motor rod before you try to actuate the headlights or it binds up and you'll spend 10 minutes calling yourself an idiot while fighting to get things broke free.
Cheers and good luck!
Mods, feel free to move if this is posted in the wrong section. Thanks!
this is great, my turbo sits so far forward on my 1.6 that i have a silicon 90 to a filter right off it and its stuffed up against the headlight motor. i think ill have to do this when time and weather allows