I'm not sure where to start here considering I bought this car in 2010 and it is currently 2023. A lot has happened since then and a lot of it I no longer have the documentation to back up. I think rather than trying put the last 13 years with this car into words, i'd like to just start here in present day as my "build thread" which at the moment, is at a stalemate. So while I work on reviving the means to continue this car's progression, i'll come here to relive it's past via the small amount of media I still have on my hard drives. Please enjoy with me. 🙂

Love all the versions you've nailed over the years, doing things i've never thought possible to the Z32. I have a few 2012-2013 pics I'll send your way.
Pre final bout pic-ception in Chicago lol
bro drove his pizza getter 4000 miles to get pequods, thats dedication.
seeing this car at super d socal was surreal
i saw a photo of this car a couple years ago and forever remembered it as my favorite z
This car inspired me to build my z 🤙
Nothing like getting old and neglecting your z car.
forever best Z32
Love your car Dom!
This is truly one of my favorite cars I've ever seen in person, and watching you drive with so much aggression at US Air was special. I remember seeing photos of the hood on tumblr a billion years ago and just being kind of entranced by how sharp the car looked. I know this chassis doesn't get a lot of attention from the community but it looked like heaps of fun to drive from where I was standing..
In 2012 I beat this car in a drag race in an e36 that had a cracked cylinder head.
HELL YEAH! The vg that could!
This is my favorite, most worthless car here.