Hi friends!
My name is Tom Robinson aka toukilla as in to kill a mockingbird. I have owned my s13 on and off for almost a decade now. I am hoping that I can update this weekly to show how I took this from a pile of shit $500 shell to what it is today. I tried to build the car I dreamed about when sitting on Walmart shelves as a ten year old flipping through super streets and import tuning magazines. If you don't like ricey cars you'll wanna move on. If you're APC I am still waiting for my sponsorship and light up steering wheel. So to begin I'll post a picture from the archives of what it was when I bought it and how it sits today.

December 2014 I picked this shell up to swap over my parts from a rusted out bucket I'd been learning to drift in.

Summer 23' I like to think of this as my complete and finished piece. This car represents a lot of good and bad times and memories that can't be replaced.
So to start. I grew up with my dad drag racing. I was one of the can't hold a flashlight to save his life kids. I was never in love with the v8 muscle cars I was surrounded by my whole life. I liked berretas and cavalier wagons... and of course imports. I sat on Walmart shelves reading super streets and import tuner magazines. Memorizing parts and builds and I was obssesed with them. When I got my license I picked up a $600 1g eclipse that I ruined rather quickly but I was hooked. I always was into photography and began going to shows taking photos of local cars. I knew a few kids that drifted and I wanted to be a part of it so I went to my first event in 2010. I could not stop thinking about it. I wanted to take photos at every event. I found myself wanting to try it more and more and finally in 2012 when my father passed away leaving me a 944 I loved but hated I decided to sell that to fund my first drift build. I ended up with a 91 240sx coupe that had 60k on it. New coils, arms, dmax signals... it was perfect..... except for the rust everywhere. The frame rails were gone. The seat falling through the floor but for now. It was all I needed to get on track. Of course after some big ass chrome wheels and maybe a new floor.

The car that started it all my 91 eclipse... fully ruined

The 944 that funded my first s13

The day she came home looking minty and proper

Immediately ruined thanks to animal style videos on repeat

Suspension overhaul

It was just a little rusty.... passed tech if they closed their eyes.

The first event doing some donuts and murdering cones.