Started drifting in 2003 and over the years built this ITB'd KA-T S14:

Parted it out in 2009 since it wasn't worth anything at the time.
Rode motorcycles for a bunch of years but missed having a fun car. Looking around at various options and was drawn to the S550 mustangs as the performance for dollar is hard to beat, if you can deal with driving a mustang. And as Tyler has said already the Ecoboost mutstangs are in many ways what a few of us with these imagine an S16 to be if Nissan made one.
So I got one and also dubbed it my S16

Built it into a HPDE car over a few years and had a bunch of fun grip driving

But I missed drifting so decided to get an angle kit and go for it.
first event with the angle kit

Fuck yes drifting is still the shit, let's go!

So a few more pics of the S14. I’m trying to get into my old photobucket and will post more if/when I get them.
Yeah the ITB setup only made like an extra 20hp but it did sound super fucking sweet. And with my custom header it looked pretty cool too I think.
I didn't have money for aero but still wanted it to look as cool as I could so slammed the shit out of it.
Turbo'd the ITB setup later and put in a tilton triple plate 7.5" clutch and it was really fucking cool and responsive. Hope I can get the pics.