Kinda lazy to transfer over my Zilvia build thread here, so I'm just gonna spam a lot of before/afters and some notable moments.
Original Zilvia thread:
Fresh set of GKTech arms I painted
3-car front end swap, lmao
Sleeved the engine harness
...It's time to paint this thing
Painted overs and deck lid
Single stage black until I find some time to prep it
Ugly contour on this G-Grow
Coutout delete coutout filled in
Fiberglass done, kitty hair time
Feels good to cut up the real thing this time
Single stage laziness again
Welp, to be continued.
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Good fitment, bad color match lol
PPG 202 Bluer =/= Glasurit 202 Darker
Prep is underway.
Just have one last side to block, then final prep with 600
Paint next weekend hopefully~
Finally finished the filler work on the rear valance, and got it into primer
Also made this for whatever I decide to do with it:
Finally some progress on the G-Grow!
Got the left side a bit more refined
My exhaust got caught in a speedbump at work and got bent
Raising the exhaust recentered it, but now hit the valance.
Wasn't planning on it, but I decided to deal with this gap on the sides:
Some kitty hair for the holes and the exhaust cutout...
...And epoxy primered
Not bad~
Skim coats are next, then poly primer, and lastly final paint. Then I can start tackling the front end (they're still in single stage)
2023 was a roller coaster, but planning to hit 2024 hard with the rest of my fibergalss projects: