After driving corollas for 5 or so years and wanting somthing that performed better in all aspects I purchased this FC in 2015. Mainly driving mountains i wanted something that handeled better alround. I started looking At FC's as i'd always liked rotarys and here in Australia FC's were primarialy used for the engine and trans swaps into older RX chassis and werent that popular and pricers were pretty good at the time.
After test driving a few series 4's this series 5 popped up at the right time, i always wanted series 5 as they were better in every aspect.

It came with an Rmagic rear half bar & side steps with the standard front bar and no lip it looked a bit wacky, some Rays of some sort that didnt fit inside the arches, a GP sports cat back, and a Greddy Profec B II.
I had a look in mind that i that was basically OEM + I'd already purchased a set of R32 GTR wheels. I wanted something like this.

So wheels were sold, GTR's went on and i picked one of thise lips that everone gets to try even out the front a little to tie in with the body kit.

Ride Height has never been how i've wanted it, a combination of the Tein's being maxed out in the rear & the fact that here we cant get away with low ride height without getting our cars getting a defect notice ie car taken off the road and need to be returned to factory spec to pass inspection, inspection fees and possible fines. So its always been a compromise you have to make even at this height its bellow legal eyebrow hight.

Sold the body kit and went to factory side skirts. Before or after this point something was up with the motor it had a massive front main leak, ran fine but had excessive endfloat so i pulled the motor and pulled the timing cover.

All that was left of the thrust bearing, some markings showed whoever rebuilt the motor previously installed it incorrectly and this was all that was left of the bearing. Replaced it all along with new oil pump and hoped for the best & it ran. Car then sat for a while as some poor life choices were made and things got in the way for a bit.
Not much changed with the car for a while but i was always woried about the motor after what i found so i pulled the motor again and had it rebuilt figured it was better to rebuild a running motor than a blown one.
Sent the motor off to get torn down & inspected verdict was some corrosion on the water jacket of the front plate and both housings were worn and had chatter marks ( aftermarket apex seals with factory oil metering the probable cause) so replaced those and had it rebuilt to factory spec with Power Seal apex seals.

Bead blasted mainifolds

I had the turbo rebuilt with a larger billet front wheel & the rear wheel cropped for more flow

I machined the back plate myself at work on the mill to enlarge the wastegate passage.

Picked up a Mazda Speed 2 way and fitted Mazda Speed bushings throughout.
Found a set of Work CR Kai real cheap so repainted them but was never into the staggered sizes and faces.

Had the transmission rebuilt, shot peened and polished gearset.

Went to japan, saw a set of RG2 in an Up Garage on the last day in the sizes i wanted a few hours before our flight home

Got home and looked them up on Carooober and bought them.

How it is now, a touch lower (but still trying to avoid police interaction) OEM front lip fitted up, i have some aero mirrors to paint and fit too. Still need to fit and have the Power FC tuned.
I'd love to have it lower and some sort of kit but have to compromise to be able to get away with driving it on the street here.
Sourced some wise square Parker lenses that really update the look of the front end.
No provision for a parker light globe tho so I’ll have to fabricate a bracket as Aussie cops will have a meltdown if they don’t light up.