This thread will serve as a photo-heavy, narrative deficient version of the complete build on my website. I'll toss in some context and captions here and there - but the visual story will remain untouched.
This is essentially the complete story of this car, since first ownership in January 2015 to the present. I started with a bondo-ridden s13 hatch and ended up with a bent-ass tin can spec, body dropped S13, with many elements of minitruck culture embedded within.
For those who have not been exposed to minitruck builds, those trucks generally feature a "body drop" where the frame and cab are modified around the drivetrain, essentially dropping the body over the frame, while keeping the drivetrain raised. The body drop on the hatch involved modifying the unibody and both front and rear subframes to raise the drivetrain and lower the unibody/frame.
This build really isn't for everyone, and that's cool. Low cars are pretty stupid but as the title suggests, they send serious endorphins to my brain when I see them. Something about reducing negative space under a car really speaks to me. Then there's the element of creating problems to solve, I really love that.

more drifting with friends
first time drifting on modded knuckles, total game changer!
our local event was called Drift Valley, and this group was instrumental in helping me get the fundamentals of drifting
17/18 with work wheels of diff generations
the last time I hung out with my friend Stephen before be passed away. he was my first friend at a dealership job
got some rear equips to build
lip is gone cuz I put the car in a ditch LOL
let's make a poor people power brace!
welllll before this shit got the point it is today
100DOD 2017, this time painted!
lots of cruising
an improved version. this mf was on the car for years and I replaced it with a PBM unit this year (2023)
this mf hit my car in a parking. nice old lady, we talked it out and went out own ways. it was the holidays and the damage was minimal
ok let's make this bay less ugly and tuck some shit. look how well my rattle can paint job held up (sarcasm)
less foul
lmao I thought I was so cool
black friday shopping. this shit wakes a stock KA up
yes i cleaned this off before clutch install
this was so much fun (no it was not)
tucked harness was well worth it tho
first and last time I hand polish wheels
kouki tails and brigs, this mf is shaping up
$500 R33s
not black
oh yea
let's toss some more cool shit on
this is how you prep for an event with a stock KA
the low style heroes event was incredibly fun!