This is more of a showing the stages on my z32 in the 16ish years that I've owned it.
Dating back to the earliest photo I have of it.
This was maybe 2008-2009ish. MB battles and Megan Coilovers that I saved up to get with my lunch money.

2010 graduated highschool, got a job, painted the battles white, and bought some aero that I had painted to a color that didn't match the car at all.
Thankfully the horrible camera quality of my phone at the time and intense lighting makes the paint look decent.
This was HIN 2011?

Sold the Battles, bought a pair of TE's, borrowed a pair of VMR's from Articdragon192, and bought some ganadors for not $100,000.

The amount of photos I saved of this thing off Tumblr crippled my computer. Stoked to see it progressing!