I'll keep it short and simple. Film has seen a huge resurgence as a photographic medium, and the drift photography community has been no exception. So let's talk film: Cameras, film stocks, advice, cool images, let's see it ๐

Julio @wholeo 's roof on Lomo Redscale, Canon eos 1n

Starsharks are best. Jordan @scrapeordie knows what's up. Kodak Gold, Canon eos 1n
Shooting film for 4 years now, I have collected 12 film cameras since then ๐. Fujifilm is my go to film stock but I have been shooting Kodak in 120 lately.
Bronica ETRS 75mm f2.8, CineStill 400D
Bronica ETRS 180mm f4.5 Ilford HP5
Bronica 75mm f2.8 Portra 800
Nikon F5 Tamron 150-600mm Kodak Ektachrome 100
Nikon F5 Nikon 60mm f2.8 macro Fuji Industrial 100
Nikon F5 60mm f2.8 macro Lomochrome Purple
Olympus XA2 Fuji Superia Premium 400