Always been into cars of all types, drag racing, road racing etc. but thats too easyother than real cars i grew up messing with and racing highend nitro and electric RC cars and every few years will get in and out of it again, mostly 1/10 offroad stadium truck and 2wd buggy with some onroad and drifting thrown in here and there
I hobby hopped quite a bit back in the day. I played guitar in a band for 10+ years, filmed/edited skate/bmx and short films, was super into rock crawling and had a ‘55 Willy’s with Dana 60’s project that I never finished, and have ridden BMX and MTB on and off for my entire life.
Recently my little side hobby has been rc rock crawling, but I’ve pretty much got my truck dialed to the point where I’ve grown bored of driving it around my back yard course. It’s a ton of fun fuckin around with the guys and to bring camping though. Mine is the blue Datsun 620 (formerly bronze).
My other hobby is fixed gear cycling. I was pretty heavy into mounting biking for a while, but got out of it and into fixed gear stuff. I live in the middle of nowhere, so I don't really do any city/urban fixed gear stuff, but there's a nice and long bike path near me and I try to get at least 60-100 miles in every Saturday. Would like to get into bike packing with the fixed gear as well, since camping is probably my follow up hobby and usually tied in with car or bike stuff haha.
I like exploring abandoned buildings. Power plants, schools, churches, etc. are what I go for. Living on the east coast, there's tons of really old stuff. If fun doesn't cost money, it's gotta be illegal, right?
In wooden structures, definitely. I do mostly industrial where the floors are often steel grate. This doesn't always mean safe though, once found an entire floor that was steel grate in a powerplant that was under [must have been] decades of a leaking roof. The thick steel plates that make up the grate were rusted through like a Wisconsin S13 frame rail. Kinda fascinating.
My hobbies have been all over the place. Since I was a kid, I took after my dad and was big into the outdoors--hunting, fishing, boating, canoeing, target shooting, and I've started to get back into all of that in the past couple years. There's something calming about being one with nature that puts me at ease.
I've dived into a plethora of other things at a surface level as my ADD allows, the largest being PC gaming lately.
Music has always been a very important and influential part of my life, but I haven't done anything with that since high school. Maybe I'll try something soon.
Always been into cars of all types, drag racing, road racing etc. but thats too easy other than real cars i grew up messing with and racing highend nitro and electric RC cars and every few years will get in and out of it again, mostly 1/10 offroad stadium truck and 2wd buggy with some onroad and drifting thrown in here and there
I hobby hopped quite a bit back in the day. I played guitar in a band for 10+ years, filmed/edited skate/bmx and short films, was super into rock crawling and had a ‘55 Willy’s with Dana 60’s project that I never finished, and have ridden BMX and MTB on and off for my entire life.
Recently my little side hobby has been rc rock crawling, but I’ve pretty much got my truck dialed to the point where I’ve grown bored of driving it around my back yard course. It’s a ton of fun fuckin around with the guys and to bring camping though. Mine is the blue Datsun 620 (formerly bronze).
My other hobby is fixed gear cycling. I was pretty heavy into mounting biking for a while, but got out of it and into fixed gear stuff. I live in the middle of nowhere, so I don't really do any city/urban fixed gear stuff, but there's a nice and long bike path near me and I try to get at least 60-100 miles in every Saturday. Would like to get into bike packing with the fixed gear as well, since camping is probably my follow up hobby and usually tied in with car or bike stuff haha.
I like exploring abandoned buildings. Power plants, schools, churches, etc. are what I go for. Living on the east coast, there's tons of really old stuff. If fun doesn't cost money, it's gotta be illegal, right?
140 year old Catholic church
Mid-20th century coal power plant
US Navy jet engine testing facility
Abandoned boxing ring lol
My hobbies have been all over the place. Since I was a kid, I took after my dad and was big into the outdoors--hunting, fishing, boating, canoeing, target shooting, and I've started to get back into all of that in the past couple years. There's something calming about being one with nature that puts me at ease.
I've dived into a plethora of other things at a surface level as my ADD allows, the largest being PC gaming lately.
Music has always been a very important and influential part of my life, but I haven't done anything with that since high school. Maybe I'll try something soon.