Shortening the FC camber link reduces rear camber. Although you can buy 1 piece shortened or adjustable camber links this it the DIY version that is essentially the same as what R Magic offered. I made a jig with 8mm shorter hole spacing than the factory length. 10mm shoulder bolts fit the bearings perfectly & hold them in position for welding. Note a ny shorter than 8mm can cause interference between lower arm and subframe.

Remove bearing seals to not melt when heating & welding, then cut 8mm from the center of the link & chamfer edges.

A friend tig welded these for me from memory it was a 2 pass weld to ensure good penetration.

Welding completed ready to paint and reinstall dust seals.

Before shortening

After shortening
Camber will never be identical side to side due to the subframe design. Apologies for bad pics did this in 2016 and didn't really think of documenting it too much at the time.
Had these in the car without issue since 2016.
With a adjustable subframe rod I got camber down to about .5 deg.
Sweet to see people still doing this. Just came across a few of these i have had stored in a box for probably 15 years as back ups haha.